Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Special Education K-12 (MESP), MEd

These programs of study, limited to candidates holding or working on teaching licensure, are designed to give new and in-service teachers more adequate preparation for their professions. It is aimed at meeting the needs of the teacher in terms of knowledge, practice and licensure requirements.

Master of Education Degree Programs (MEd)

The Master of Education degree is offered in multiple areas:

  1. Curriculum & Instruction Administration
  2. Educational Leadership (Principal)
  3. Reading
  4. Special Education
  5. Special Education Administration

These programs of study, limited to candidates holding or working on teaching licensure, are designed to give new and in-service teachers more adequate preparation for their professions. It is aimed at meeting the needs of the teacher in terms of knowledge, practice and licensure requirements.

Note: Candidates not having completed a traditional undergraduate teacher licensure program may work on achieving teacher licensure while pursuing this degree, but must meet one of the two criteria listed below:

  1. Qualify for admission to Harding’s teacher education program and follow all procedures as outlined in the undergraduate catalog.
  2. Be admitted to and participating in Arkansas’ Non-traditional Licensure Program. (These candidates may be admitted with a provisional teaching license.)

Candidates falling into either of these categories must submit proof of initial teaching licensure prior to being awarded a graduate degree. Teacher education courses may be taken at the graduate level, if available, as outlined in the curriculum plan for his/her licensure area. The plan is available in the office of the dean of the College of Education.

Admission Requirements for the Master of Education Degree Programs

Admission to Harding University is determined on an individual basis with the following criteria considered: (1) academic preparation, (2) character, (3) educational interests and (4) academic potential. Effort is made to admit all candidates who qualify and who can benefit from the unique educational program and opportunities available at Harding irrespective of their religious faith, national origin, sex, race or color. When applying, candidates should be aware of the distinct purpose of Harding University and be willing to commit themselves to upholding institutional values.

Applicants for the Master of Education degree program must:

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (or a grade point average of 3.0 on the last 60 hours) OR an earned master’s degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. All GPAs must be attested by official transcript(s).
  2. Educational Leadership (Principal) and Curriculum and Instruction Administration candidates must hold a current educator license and have a minimum of one year of educator experience to enter the program and three years of educator experience to obtain licensure.
  3. Special Education Administration candidates must hold a current educator license with one year of licensed educator experience in special education teaching, speech-language, or guidance counselor experience.
  4. Reading with Dyslexia Endorsement and Special Education K-12 candidates must hold a current educator license or have passed all required exams for licensure in their program of study area at the Arkansas cut score.

Application Procedure

  1. Complete the online application.
  2. Please request official transcripts* be sent directly from previous institutions to

    *Note: Harding alumni and current students do not need to request Harding transcripts as they are on file.

  3. Reading with Dyslexia Endorsement and Special Education K-12 applicants must submit:
    1. three references that focus on the applicant’s academic and professional abilities, 

    2. documentation of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) immunization record,

    3. current educator license,

    4. and documentation of Science of Reading Proficiency (Phase II) in the Prescribed Pathway Credentials listed here. Those who have not completed this at admission must provide documentation of completion prior to finishing their program at Harding University.

  4. Curriculum & Instruction Administration, Educational Leadership (Principal), and Special Education Administration applicants must submit:
    1. two professional or academic recommendations that address the applicant’s 1) potential for success in the selected graduate program, and 2) professional and academic background,

    2. documentation of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) immunization record,

    3. current educator license,

    4. documentation of Science of Reading Awareness (Phase I) in the Prescribed Pathway Credentials listed here. Those who have not completed this at admission must provide documentation of completion prior to finishing their program at Harding University.

    5. a recommendation from the principal addressing the three areas below: 1) support for applicant’s participation in the program, 2) a statement that the applicant is performing at the level of an effective educator, and 3) a statement or a list of examples of the applicant’s leadership abilities,

    6. documentation of at least one year of licensed teaching experience. For Special Education Administration experience must be in special education teaching, speech-language, or guidance counselor experience. (This can be a copy of your signed teaching contract or a letter on official letterhead with a signature of your principal or Human Resource Office.),

    7. a resume,

    8. and undergo an admission/advising interview with the program director.

Provisional Admission

An applicant who does not fully meet the requirements listed above may receive provisional admission if he or she:

  1. Is applying for the Educational Leadership program and holds a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation with a cumulative grade point average between 2.5 and 2.99, attested to by official transcript(s). An applicant that applies for a Master of Education program other than Educational Leadership who does not fully meet the requirements listed above may receive provisional admission if he or she holds a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation with a cumulative grade point average between 2.35 and 2.99, attested to by an official transcript. Provisional status is removed when the candidate completes 12 graduate level hours with at least a 3.0 grade point average, six of which must be in the academic area of concentration.
  2. Has not submitted the required Praxis test score. The student is required to submit an acceptable score during the first semester enrolled for provisional status to be removed.
  3. Holds a provisional teacher’s license. Provisional status is removed when the candidate submits an initial five-year license before the provisional license expires. This applies to all programs requiring a teaching license as a prerequisite.

Prerequisite Coursework

Leveling courses, if required, will not be included within the semester hour requirements for the Master of Education degree.

The prerequisite for admission to any graduate-level course in the Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies includes the completion of a minimum of 15 semester hours of advanced work (3000-level and above) in the given language and consent of the department chair before entrance to the program. Native speakers whose undergraduate program does not include advanced work in the language may seek admission by passing the departmental senior exit exam with a 75% in each area. Some individual graduate-level courses may require specific additional prerequisites as noted. Failure to meet these prerequisites may result in the need to take remedial work at the undergraduate level before entry to the program. Candidates enrolled in dual-listed courses, i.e., 3000/5000 will be required to perform at a higher level than their undergraduate classmates.

Other Program Requirements

Upon acceptance into the program, candidates must consult with the director of their program concerning the required course of study, register for classes online through Campus Pipeline each semester, and complete financial registration with the Business Office online.

Graduate candidates taking 5000-level courses concurrently with undergraduate candidates taking the corresponding 3000- and 4000-level courses will be assigned additional work. All Master of Education degrees are required to include a minimum of 18 hours from courses numbered 6000 or above.

All requirements of the program must be completed within eight years from the time of acceptance into the program, with the exception of the programs in Curriculum and Instruction Administration, Educational Leadership (Principal), and Special Education Administration. Course work taken more than eight years before graduation will not be acceptable.

All requirements of the programs in Curriculum and Instruction Administration, Educational Leadership (Principal), and Special Education Administration must be completed within six years from time of admission to the program. Course work taken more than six years before graduation will not be acceptable.

Comprehensive examinations are required for the Master of Education degree. Educational Leadership/Administration candidates must successfully complete a portfolio in lieu of comprehensive examinations. An application for the exams must be filed during the last semester of study. Contact the Office of Graduate Studies in Education for the deadline date.

Transfer and International Candidates

Correspondence credit will not apply toward the master’s degree. Candidates may transfer from other graduate schools, subject to the approval of the chair of graduate studies, a maximum of 6 semester hours of graduate work in which they have a grade of B or higher. All coursework to be transferred must be completed before a candidate’s last semester.

Candidates who (1) speak English as a second language, and have (2) not previously completed an undergraduate degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation must meet a minimum score on a nationally recognized test of English language proficiency such as the TOEFL or IELTS. 

The minimum scores acceptable for admission to the university are 79 on the TOEFL iBT or 6.0 on the IELTS. Scores must not be older than two years prior to the date of application to the university. Please note that individual programs may have more stringent minimum requirements.

Academic Standing Requirements

These requirements are common to all graduate programs in education and are listed in the Department of Graduate Studies in Education  within the Cannon-Clary College of Education .

Degree Requirements and Curriculum

Requests for degree may be submitted prior to a candidate’s final semester but must be submitted no later than the first week of the final semester. The graduation fee must be paid to the Business Office the last semester before graduation.

Degree requirements and curricula are listed below.

Master of Education - Special Education K-12

Note: In order to gain licensure in the State of Arkansas, the Praxis II Examination for Special Education is required.

To earn this degree, a student must successfully complete (1) the following 33 semester hours of coursework, and (2) written comprehensive examinations. (Prerequisite: Candidates seeking an M.Ed. Special Education K-12 degree must hold a current teacher’s license and may have to take leveling courses in order to enter the program.) Those seeking licensure only may design an additional licensure plan with the Director of Special Education.

The following endorsements are available:

Total Hours: 33