Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Graduate School of Business

The Graduate School of Business (GSB) offers master’s degrees in business administration and information systems as well as accelerated programs that allow students to maximize their time and effort by utilizing dual credit opportunities for certain classes required for their undergraduate major or minor.

Master’s Programs

Admission Requirements

Admission to Harding University’s Graduate School of Business (GSB) is open to all students who qualify and who can benefit from the unique educational program and opportunities available at Harding University irrespective of their religious faith, national origin, sex, race or color. When applying, students should be aware of the distinct purpose of Harding University and be willing to commit themselves to upholding institutional values.

Unless stated otherwise on the catalog page of a specific program, to be considered for admission into the GSB master’s programs, the applicant must:

  • Have a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • Have a cumulative bachelor degree GPA of 3.0
  • International students only - TOEFL iBT score of 79 (or an equivalent IELTS)
    • International transcripts must be sent to to be evaluated if the degree is not from an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation
  • *Provisional Acceptance Note: Students who do not meet academic admission requirements may, on occasion, be granted provisional acceptance into the program by the Dean of the College of Business Administration. Applicants with a GPA between 2.75 and 2.99 may be considered for acceptance with 5 years or more of work experience. Applicants below 2.75 may be considered for acceptance upon completion of the GMAT with a satisfactory score of 550 or higher. Students who are granted provisional admission must maintain a GPA of no less than 3.0 on the first 9 hours of graduate work completed. Upon satisfying this condition, the student will be granted full matriculation.

Students who are accepted into the MBA program in the Graduate School of Business but have not completed an undergraduate business degree will be expected to complete short leveling courses prior to starting classes. Leveling courses will be assigned on a case-by-case basis after the transcript has been reviewed. 

Application Procedure

The GSB operates on a semester basis (fall, spring and summer).

Applicants for the master’s degree programs must:

  1. Complete the online application.
  2. Request official transcripts* be sent directly from previous institutions to
    *Note: Harding alumni and current students do not need to request Harding transcripts as they are on file.
  3. Submit CV/resume

Additional information is available:

Applicant Review

The Graduate School of Business seeks to admit the best-qualified individuals - those who are academically strong and who will not only benefit from, but also contribute to, the program. In reviewing the information of each prospective student, many different indicators of performance are evaluated. Neither undergraduate study in business or work experience is required, but having either or both will strengthen most applications. 

Program Requirements

All students are expected to complete an orientation tutorial as well as an inbound business assessment. This online orientation provides students with essential information about the GSB and program details.

Course Load: Students are considered to be full-time students if they are taking 9 graduate hours in a given semester. No more than two graduate classes can be taken per block.

The duration of each program varies based on the student’s start date and course load. All programs offer flexible scheduling because they are designed with the needs of working professionals in mind. A student can complete a master’s degree in as little as 12 months, or take up to 7 years from the term of their first course.

As a general rule, classes are conducted online. Online classes are conducted in 8-week blocks with two blocks in each fall and spring semester. Summer semesters may have one or two blocks depending on enrollment. To ensure successful progression through each course, students are strongly advised to participate at least five out of seven days per week.

Computer Requirements: Each student entering the GSB at Harding University must have convenient access to a personal computer and a stable broadband internet connection. Students will be expected to provide any hardware, software, or other technical resources necessary to communicate in an online environment. This is especially important for those taking online courses. Harding uses Canvas as the interface for online classes as well as web support for some traditional on-ground classes. This is an asynchronous platform allowing students and instructors to visit the classroom independently during the class week. The student will be provided detailed instructions regarding accessing and using this system.

Harding University’s Web portal, Pipeline, is continuously available for student and faculty access, and is an integral part of the communication link in the GSB, providing convenient access to Harding’s email platform.

At a minimum, the student should provide the following hardware and software specifications:

  • A modern computer with up-to-date antivirus software
  • Broadband internet connection.
  • Microsoft Office suite of products will be the standard office tools used in the program. Students are required to have versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint that are no more than two versions old. If access is needed, students may consult Pipeline for more information.

Due to the breadth of our coverage, the following guidelines are used: Every student is expected to check for announcements and information posted online regularly via Harding email. Even in terms when students are not enrolled in a course and have no need to be online, they should make it a habit to log in at least weekly to check for announcements and other valuable information.

Registration may be accomplished completely online. If students are not logging in regularly, they may miss registration and possibly a course needed to stay on schedule. We post anything of importance online, typically by Harding email. It is the students’ responsibility to keep current.

Advising: Advising is available to students, but it is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with all degree requirements and to enroll in appropriate courses.

Transfer, International, and Non-degree Seeking Students

Transfer students: In general, graduate students complete all degree requirements at Harding University. However, recognizing that students are subject to relocation for personal or professional reasons, the University has provided for a limited amount of transfer credit. In the case of an undergraduate transfer, the value of the accelerated dual degree program will vary depending on how many and which courses remain for the student to complete the program.

Specific policies governing transfer credit are as follows:

  1. A maximum of five courses may be transferred from another accredited graduate program with the approval of the chair of the GSB. In no instance may students complete less than one half of their degree program at Harding University. 
  2. If approved by the Dean of the College of Business Administration, students may take courses from another graduate school after matriculation.
  3. A course may be considered for transfer credit only if there is a Harding University equivalent.
  4. To be accepted, course credit must have been completed during the seven years immediately prior to matriculation. (For students with significant and continuing work experience, the Dean of the College of Business Administration may waive this requirement).

International Students: Students who (1) speak English as a second language, and (2) have not previously completed an undergraduate degree from an institution within the United States accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation must meet a minimum score on a nationally recognized test of English language proficiency such as the TOEFL or IELTS. The minimum acceptable score is 79 on the TOEFL iBT with a Speaking Sub-scale 27 (or an equivalent IELTS score). Scores must not be older than two years prior to the date of application to the university.

Non-degree seeking students: Harding University welcomes students who do not wish to earn a graduate degree, or who are working to earn such a degree at another university (and desire to take a maximum of three courses at Harding). Students who have been admitted to another accredited graduate school program and wish to take courses for transfer may establish non-degree status by submitting an application for admission and either a letter of good standing or a graduate transcript indicating good standing from the other institution.

Accelerated Programs

Opportunities for Undergraduate Business Students: Undergraduate students who have declared a business major and are seeking a jump-start on their graduate studies may apply for one of the accelerated dual-degree master’s programs if admission requirements are met.

Students enrolling in this program will be able to start taking graduate classes concurrently with their undergraduate classes and potentially graduate with both degrees at the same time. Each master’s program is a 10 class/30-hour program. Up to four 5000-level classes can be taken that will fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements, therefore reducing master’s degree course hour load by up to 12 hours. Students can begin taking 5000-level classes when they have earned 75 credit hours. Students who have already taken their dual credit courses or choose to finish their graduate degree after completing their undergraduate degree may take the remaining courses online through the GSB.

Undergraduate students who have declared an accelerated business minor and are seeking to jump-start their graduate studies may apply for admission to the accelerated master’s program. Upon acceptance, accelerated minors may take either 3 (MBA) or 4 (MSIS) 5000-level classes that will fulfill both the undergraduate minor and graduate degree requirements, therefore reducing the master’s degree course hour load by up to 12 hours. Students can begin taking 5000-level classes when they have earned 75 credit hours. Once their baccalaureate degree has been awarded, they may continue their master’s degree courses online through the GSB. Please refer to the catalog for specific course listings and prerequisite requirements.

Admission Requirements (Accelerated Programs)

To be considered for admission into the GSB accelerated dual degree program, the applicant must:

  • Be a current Harding University student or have a minimum of 75 semester hours of pre-professional education at an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation
  • Have a major (or accelerated minor) within the Paul R. Carter College of Business Administration
  • Have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA*
  • Have at least 75 credit hours completed at the time of entry

*There is no exception to the GPA requirement for admission to the dual-degree program.

Application Procedures (Accelerated Programs)

Applications for the accelerated dual degree programs must be submitted online:

  • Current students will not need to request an official college transcript, as their information is on file at Harding University
  • Obtain one recommendation from a professor in the College of Business

Students should apply for admission to the accelerated dual degree program the semester before they will reach 75 hours in order to receive appropriate guidance in planning their programs of study.

Additional information is available:

Program Requirements (Accelerated Programs)

Unless otherwise stated, program requirements for accelerated programs are the same as the master’s programs.

Course Load: For students in accelerated programs, the maximum number of graduate courses which may be taken in any fall, spring, or summer semester is three (9 semester hours). No more than two graduate classes can be taken per block. During the final fall or spring semester, four graduate courses may be allowed.

Opportunities for Pharmacy Students: Students enrolled in Harding University’s Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program who desire to concurrently pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Master of Science degree in Information Systems (MSIS) through the GSB may choose to take courses to fulfill the elective requirements in the Pharm.D. program, provided the prerequisites are met.

Admission to the master’s program requires completion of a minimum of 90 semester hours of pre-professional education at an institution accredited by an agency nationally recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Pharmacy students will be allowed by the MBA program to substitute three pharmacy courses in place of two MBA courses: PHA 5800  and PHA 7500  for BUS 6400 , and PHA 6030  as their MBA elective.

Pharmacy students will be allowed by the MSIS program to substitute three pharmacy courses in place of two MSIS courses: PHA 5800  and PHA 7500  for IS 6450 , and PHA 6030  for IS 6510 .

Pharmacy students will take the remainder of the GSB courses outside of the Pharm.D. curriculum. A Pharmacy student who pursues one of these options could concurrently earn up to 15 MBA/MSIS graduate credit hours by the time he or she graduates with the Pharm.D.

A dual Pharmacy and MBA/MSIS student who does not already have a bachelor’s degree must complete the Pharm.D. prior to or simultaneous to the MBA/MSIS degree. Failure to complete the Pharm.D. will require the student to complete an undergraduate degree before earning an MBA/MSIS.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

For information regarding scholarships and financial aid for graduate students, see

Academic Standing Requirements

Any student who is admitted to the GSB but is unable to matriculate during the semester admitted must request in writing permission to defer admission until a later term. Deferred admission, if approved, will be honored for one calendar year. Students wishing to begin their studies more than one year after admission is granted must reapply for admission.

Students in the accelerated programs should refer to the undergraduate academic standing policies .

Any student who wants to withdraw from any of the graduate studies programs is required to submit a written request via email to the Graduate School of Business office in the College of Business Administration if the student expects to be absent more than one semester.

Grading System: Grades of A (4.0), B (3.0), C (2.0), I (Incomplete) or F (0.0 - Failing) are given for course work in the GSB. The Registrar’s Office automatically changes an I (Incomplete) grade to an F if it is not removed by the following dates: Fall “Incompletes” must be removed by Friday of the eighth week of the spring semester; spring “Incompletes” must be removed by July 1; summer “Incompletes” must be removed by Friday of the eighth week of the fall semester. A student should not re-register for a course in which an Incomplete was received. The staff in the GSB can advise as to the proper procedures for the removal of an Incomplete. Professors have at least 14 days to read and grade papers or other materials submitted to remove an incomplete.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on coursework is required for graduation. Please note the following special circumstances:

  • Undergraduate courses required as prerequisites for graduate courses are not calculated in the cumulative graduate GPA.
  • Grades earned in graduate courses taken as electives within the University, but outside the College of Business Administration, will be calculated in the overall grade point average, if accepted for credit toward the student’s selected GSB degree program.
  • Any course taken on an audit basis will not count toward degree requirements and cannot be repeated for credit.
  • A grade of F is calculated in the GPA as the number of credit hours attempted, not quality points earned. If a grade of F is received in a required course, that course must be repeated. If the student receives an F in the second attempt, the student is automatically dismissed from the program.

The following model is provided in order to ensure students a successful and timely completion of the program:

Academic Discipline

  1. Academic Probation will be assigned to any student who earns less than a 3.0 in any semester.
  2. Academic Probation status limits students who are in academic trouble to enroll in no more than 9 credit hours per semester. Students under Academic Probation are not eligible to represent the University in extracurricular activities.
  3. Academic Probation policy applies to fall, spring, and summer semesters. Upon the completion of the probationary terms, Academic Probation is lifted at the end of a semester. Failure to remove Academic Probation status the following semester will result in the student being dismissed from the program.
  4. Students that have been dismissed will be on Academic Suspension for two semesters. During the suspension period students will not be allowed to take any graduate classes. After the suspension is lifted, the student may return to classes under Academic Probation status.
  5. Any graduate student who receives a grade of F in any graduate-level course will be dismissed from his/her program.
  6. Students receiving 6 credit hours of C in graduate-level business courses will be dismissed.
  7. If a student receives a WF, they will be placed on academic probation.
  8. Failure to make a grade of B or higher in each course taken while on probation will result in suspension from further graduate work.
  9. The decision to dismiss a student for failure to meet the required standards of progress does not preclude the student from returning to Harding University in a later semester.
  10. In all cases, a second dismissal will be final.


    Accelerated ProgramsMaster of Business AdministrationMaster of ScienceCertificate