Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Financial Information

Undergraduate Programs:

Graduate and Professional Programs:

Financing a college education is a concern shared by virtually all prospective students and their parents. The financial information contained in the following pages presents educational expenses in a realistic manner and suggests ways that you can meet them.

Harding University, a private institution without benefit of tax support, must meet its operating costs by income from student tuition and fees, government grants, auxiliary enterprises, gifts and endowment earnings. As tuition and fees are discussed in the following pages, you will discover that the cost of attending Harding is moderate compared to many colleges and universities of the same size and quality.

Enrollment status (full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, and less than half-time) is an important factor in determining a student’s eligibility for various financial aid programs. Enrollment status for federal financial aid programs is calculated separately, and may not include all enrolled coursework. A student’s federal enrollment status excludes all coursework not required for completion of the student’s degree, major, minor, concentration, or state teaching credentials. Non-degree coursework that counts toward a certificate program is only federal aid eligible in some cases and will be noted accordingly in the certificate program description. 

Please also see the Federal Financial Aid Cost of Attendance page for a comprehensive listing of expenses that may be associated with enrollment.

For Undergraduate Programs

Tuition and Fees

Admission Fees: A $50 application fee should accompany the Application for Admission. Additionally, a $250 enrollment fee is charged post admittance at the stage of commitment to enroll. These fees apply to all full-time undergraduate application types, including but not limited to: first-time freshman (boarding or non-boarding), transfer students, and international students. The application fee is to be paid online upon submission of the online Application for Admission or by credit card or check if applying in-person. The application fee is nonrefundable and is designed to cover the cost of application processing. The enrollment fee covers all First-Year Experience (FYE) costs and activities. This includes Bison Bound (student orientation), Impact (welcome weekend), and other FYE events and resources. The enrollment fee will be refunded if a student cancels their commitment to enroll on or before May 1 for the fall semester, October 1 for the spring semester, or April 1 for the summer sessions.

Typical Expenses for Undergraduate residential students: A typical resident student taking 15 hours per semester can meet all regular expenses of tuition, fees, room and food service for $35,022 for the school year. A non-boarding student can meet expenses of tuition and fees for $25,962. These expenses are illustrated in the following table:

                 Semester                Year  
Tuition (15 semester hours)   $12,645.00   $25,290.00  
*Technology/Academic Enrichment Fee    336.00   672.00  
Food (All Access Meal Plan)   2,250.00   4,500.00  
Housing (On-Campus Dorm)    2,280.00   4,560.00  
Total basic cost for typical student   $17,511.00   $35,022.00  

Undergraduate tuition per hour: Standard rate is $843/hour. The following programs have nonstandard rates: ABSN prerequisite ($550/hour), Degree Completion - Education ($442/hour), SLPA Certificate and SLP Leveling ($379/hour for non-degree seeking students).

*Technology/Academic Enrichment Fee: Each full-time student (12 or more hours) will pay a special fee of $336 per term as a Technology/Academic Enrichment Fee. Students taking 11 credit hours or less will pay $28 per credit hour.

Food Service: Food service ranges from $650 to $2,250 per term, depending on the meal plan selected. For information regarding each plan and cost refer to

Married Student Housing: Married student housing is available. Contact the Office of Rental Properties at 501-279-4367.

Course Fees

Course fees are listed on individual courses.

Program Fees

Architectural Studies Major (BARC), BA
Architecture, (AARC) BA/MArch
$250/semester first year
$600/semester following years
Interior Architecture and Design Major (IAD), BFA $250/semester for duration of program
Nursing Major (NRSO), BSN (Hybrid) $1,250/semester rather than the course fees on NURS courses

Special Fees

Advanced Placement credit recording fee (per course)* 85.00
Apostille 100.00
Car registration (nonrefundable) 40.00
Career Services 17.00
Certificate 30.00
Change of examination fee (each) 20.00
CLEP administrative fee (per course) 25.00
CLEP credit recording fee (per course)* 85.00
Credential package (mailed or faxed) placement fee 14.00
Credit by examination administrative fee 20.00
Credit by examination recording fee (per credit hour)* 85.00
Diploma reprint fee 50.00
Drop and Add fee (each transaction) 10.00
Exemption by examination administrative fee (per course) 25.00
Exemption by examination recording fee (per course)* 85.00
Graduation - additional diploma 30.00
Graduation fee (required of degree candidates)  155.00
Graduation late application  60.00
International Baccalaureate credit recording fee (per course)*  85.00
Post Office box rental (requirement in dorm and apartment housing) nonrefundable, each semester  33.00
Technology/Academic Enrichment fee ($28.00 per credit hour; maximum fee $336 per term) 336.00
Test administration in Testing Office (per exam; proctored for another university) 45.00
Validation by examination administrative fee 20.00
Validation by examination recording fee (per course)* 85.00

*Maximum recording fee for all AP, CLEP, International Baccalaureate, exemption, or validation by examination transactions is $340.00. 

Summer Session Expenses: For financial information regarding Summer Session, contact the University Business Office.

Graduate/Professional School Expenses: For a summary of the tuition and fees for graduate/professional students, see below. The same facilities and rates for room and board are available for graduate/professional students as for undergraduates.

Financial Policies

Financial Responsibility: Harding’s financial well-being is dependent upon prompt payment of accounts. For this reason, Harding transcripts and diplomas will not be released if a student has failed to take care of any indebtedness to the University. Exception is made for government loans if they are not past due. Failure to meet financial obligations to the University may result in the delinquent account being placed with a collection agency. Students are responsible for all attorney fees and other collection costs incurred by the University in collecting accounts. Term charges are not reduced for late enrollment. There will be a $30 service charge on all dishonored paper checks and a $35 service charge on all dishonored electronic checks or web payments.

Payment of Accounts: Payments may be made via electronic form, mail, or in person at the Business Office, located in the Administration Building. Payments may be in the form of cash, check, and money order in person or by mail. American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted on-line, and electronic checks are accepted online via a third-party vendor (Transact/CASHNet). Credit card fees do apply.

Payment options:

  1. Pay the total balance by the due date on the first ebill statement. September 1 for fall term; February 1 for Spring term.
  2. Enroll in Harding University Payment Plan. Enrollment fee is $25 per term (fall and spring only). Deadline to enroll is the first day of classes. Pay the balance due in four monthly payments. A late fee of $35 will be assessed if a due date is not met. No interest will accrue on the Harding Payment Plan.
  3. Accounts not paid in full or not enrolled in the payment plan will be subject to a per annum interest charge compounded monthly. Interest charges are not reduced for delays in receiving financial aid.
  4. Any additional charges incurred during a term will be posted to the student’s account and should be paid by the due date on the statement. Examples include adding classes, traffic fines, library fines, adding declining balances, etc. Any credits posted to an account will appear on the monthly ebill statement. 

Account Credit: Credit balances that remain on the student account are refunded to the student upon their request. Credit balance requests are made via Pipeline. Credit refunds can be in the form of a check or an electronic direct deposit to the student’s checking or savings account.

Students wishing to apply for financial aid must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Deadlines must be observed, and supporting documents may be required. Applications must be completed each year the student requests financial aid. Students must be sure to observe filing dates for the following school year. Students are notified periodically of documentation (if any) that is missing from their financial aid file through Pipeline and Harding email.

If prior term charges have not been paid in full, enrollment for a future term will be delayed until payment is received or satisfactory payment arrangements have been approved.

Tuition Refunds: Students are granted admission with the understanding that they are to remain for a full term. A student who enrolls in a class but does not attend or stops attending and does not officially withdraw may not receive a refund. An official withdrawal from the University begins in the Student Life Office. A refund of tuition will be made based on the following schedule. (Days indicated are days of the term, excluding Saturday and Sunday.)

        Day 1-5
Day 6-10
Day 11-15
Day 16-20
Day 21-25
Day 26-end of term
          100 percent refund of tuition
80 percent refund of tuition
60 percent refund of tuition
40 percent refund of tuition
20 percent refund of tuition
No refund of tuition

The refund table with specific dates can be viewed in Pipeline.

Tuition Refund Plan: A protective insurance program provided by DEWAR Insurance Company is available and enrollment is voluntary. The policy will minimize the financial loss for students who suffer a serious illness or accident and have to leave the University. Application is processed on-line at

After a student withdraws from the University, room and board will be refunded on a prorated basis. No refunds for board will be made for absences while enrolled in the University.

Appeals related to this refund schedule, complete with appropriate documentation, must be filed on the Tuition Refund Appeal form within one month of the date of withdrawal. Appeal forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.

If a student’s withdrawal is the result of misconduct, the institution is under no obligation to make any refunds.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to most Harding students in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, work-study programs, veterans’ programs and vocational rehabilitation programs.

These funds are administered wholly or in part by the Office of Financial Aid Services. Requests for information and assistance should be directed to Harding University, Box 12282, Searcy, AR 72149-5615; telephone 501-279-4257 or 1-800-477-3243 (toll free); or email

Requirements: Application for aid should be made as follows:

  1. Apply or be admitted to Harding University. Application forms are available from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
  3. Submit any follow-up documentation as required. Any incomplete requirements will be indicated in the student’s Pipeline account.

In most cases, to qualify for financial aid, a student must be enrolled for at least 6 hours each semester. Before enrolling for fewer than 12 hours, students should check with the Office of Financial Aid Services to determine what effect it will have on their financial assistance.

Financial aid awards are based on current federal and state regulations. To help meet students’ needs (as determined by the FAFSA), awards are made in the following order: grants, scholarships, loans and work-study. Students have the right to accept or decline any aid offered.

Financial aid funding limitations

Full-Tuition Limitation: The combined maximum award for all Harding-funded grants, scholarships, discounts or other assistance is limited to a student’s full-tuition charges. Should a student receive multiple Harding-funded awards in excess of full tuition, the awards will be reduced to actual tuition costs. NOTE: NCAA grant-in-aid athletic contracts and Harding-funded National Merit Scholarship Corporation awards are exempt from the full-tuition limitation.

Financial Aid Budget Limitation: Aid in the form of need-based grants, scholarships, student loans, parent loans, and work may be received in excess of direct costs, not to exceed a student’s financial aid budget. A financial aid budget includes all direct costs, as well as a reasonable allowance for books, transportation to and from school, and personal expenses. Please refer to the financial aid website for a listing of all financial aid budget components.

Return of Federal Aid Funds (Title IV): Students who receive Title IV financial aid (federal loans, federal grants, etc.) and withdraw, drop out, or are dismissed are subject to a calculation to determine the amount of federal aid that was “earned” and “unearned” for the semester. The earned aid is calculated by comparing the number of days completed against the total days in the semester (including weekends). For example, if a student completed 29 days of a regular 116-day semester, the student will be determined to have earned 25% of total aid eligibility. Once the student has completed at least 60% of the semester, all aid is considered earned.

If total federal aid disbursements are less than the amount earned by the student, the student or parent (in the case of a parent loan) will be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. Borrowers eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement will be notified of their eligibility within 45 days after beginning the withdrawal process and must respond to the aid offer within 14 days.

If total federal aid disbursements are greater than the amount earned by the student, the student will owe a balance to the University and/or the federal government. Unearned funds must be returned within 30 days in the following order:

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
Federal PLUS Loan
Federal Pell Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Other Title IV aid programs

Please refer to the Registration Policies and Withdrawal Procedures  section of this catalog for detailed withdrawal procedures. Students that stop attending classes without withdrawing, as well as students that receive all failing grades, will be considered unofficially withdrawn. The withdrawal date for all unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the Student Life Office according to the last academic activity completed.

Financial Aid Probation and Suspension: Students who receive Title IV financial aid must make satisfactory progress toward a degree. Satisfactory progress includes maintaining the following institutional and cumulative grade point averages:

1.50   up to 30 semester hours  
1.75   31 up to 45 semester hours  
1.90   46 up to 60 semester hours  
2.00   61 or more semester hours  

Failure to earn a semester GPA of at least 1.0 during consecutive fall/spring semesters will result in Financial Aid Suspension.

In addition, a specific qualitative review occurs at the end of the student’s second academic year. The “second academic year” ends after the student’s second spring semester, regardless of a student’s enrollment status. At that point, the student must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0.

Students must successfully complete at least two-thirds (2/3) of the overall hours attempted cumulatively, and all students must complete all coursework within 150% of the published length of the program (even if the student changes majors, enrolls in remedial coursework, or did not receive federal aid for the entire period of enrollment). Students may repeat enrollment in any courses (either to pass a previously failed course or to simply earn a higher grade) so long as all coursework is completed within the 150% maximum time frame permitted. Grades for retaken coursework REPLACE previously earned grades. All hours of enrollment after the free drop/add period are considered attempted hours. Earned hours include all courses for which the student has successfully completed with quality points assigned. Incomplete grades (“I”) are considered the same as an “F,” although students may request recalculation of the SAP evaluation after “I” grades have been converted into a final grade. (See the “Grades ” section of the catalog for additional information on Harding’s grading scale.)

Enrollment progress and grade point average monitoring occurs at the end of each fall, spring, and summer term.

Failure to maintain the required grade point average or successfully complete degree work as specified will result in financial aid warning status. Warning status is removed at the end of the semester when the student has satisfied the grade point average and enrollment criteria. Failure to remove financial aid warning status at the end of said semester results in financial aid suspension.

Students on financial aid suspension are not eligible to receive Title IV financial aid. Financial aid suspension status caused by extenuating circumstances may be appealed in writing. A suspension appeal packet can be downloaded on Pipeline. Contact or visit the Academic Resource Center for additional information. Generally, appeals should be submitted prior the start of the semester, although by exception appeals may be considered during the first few weeks of the semester. Students may submit an appeal for any one of the three types of suspension, including GPA, the 2/3 rule, and the 150% rule. Students approved by appeal are considered in financial aid probation and are generally only granted one additional semester of federal aid eligibility. Failure to make satisfactory progress while in financial aid probation results in financial aid suspension. Final approval for appeals rests in the Provost Office.

Study Abroad Enrollment: Harding study abroad programs consist of courses for which the university awards the academic credit. The courses are taken at university-managed sites in foreign countries. Enrollment in a Harding study abroad program is considered concurrent enrollment at the university making the programs eligible for Title IV financial assistance.


Harding University administers a variety of institutional scholarships, grants, and discounts. Additionally, Harding administers scholarships from external sources such as programs from the state of Arkansas and national, regional, and local scholarships. Current information on all of these programs can be found at Every scholarship has unique eligibility requirements. All scholarship programs are subject to change without notice.

Government Grants

Harding University participates in federal Title IV grant programs, including Pell, SEOG, and TEACH. Detailed information and application can be found at Government grant programs are subject to change without notice.

Residents of Arkansas should apply for state financial aid programs at the Arkansas Department of Higher Education website.


Harding University participates in federal Title IV loan programs, including direct subsidized and unsubsidized student loans, nursing student loans, and parent/graduate PLUS loans. Detailed information and application can be found at Government loan programs are subject to change without notice.

Harding also participates in private educational loans, separate from the federal loan programs, for both students and family members. Detailed information and applications can be found at

Work Study

Harding University participates in the federal Title IV need-based work study program as well as the Harding work study program. Students earn hourly wages based on which program they qualify for. Information is available at and Harding’s Center for Professional Excellence.

Veterans Programs

Veterans, spouses, and dependents must apply for education benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and once approved, forward a copy of their Certificate of Eligibility to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO). The SCO is located within the Office of the Registrar.

The following VA education benefits are approved for use at Harding University: Post 9/11 GI Bill® (including the Fry scholarship and Edith Nourse Rogers STEM scholarship), Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty (including Tuition Assistance Top Up), Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves, and the Dependents Education Assistance program.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Students utilizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill® are required by the VA to verify their enrollment monthly with the VA before their monthly housing stipend will be released by the VA. While the VA recommends using their text messaging system, other options include verifying through email or by calling the VA Education Call Center (888-442-4551). If the student misses verifying their monthly enrollment for two months, they will then be required to call the VA Education Call Center before their monthly stipends will be released.

In compliance with the Veterans Administration’s minimum standards of progress, if a student receives VA assistance, is placed on academic probation, and does not remove this probation within one semester, he or she will be suspended from receiving VA education benefits for the following semester.

Undergraduate students utilizing benefits from the Post 9/11 GI Bill® may qualify for Yellow Ribbon funds. Students need to contact the SCO to find out if they are eligible at Harding University.

In accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (Section 103), students utilizing either Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill® or Chapter 31:
Any covered individual will be able to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. Ninety days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

Harding University will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Documentation required by Harding University before certification:

  1. Certificate of Eligibility or Statement of Benefits (Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill ®)
  2. VA Form 28-1905 or emailed approval from the student’s Case Manager (Chapter 31)
  3. VA Certification Form (both Chapter 33 and 31 students and found in the student portal)
    a. This form is to be submitted every semester until the student exhausts their benefits or they graduate.

Once both forms of documentation are received by the VA School Certifying Official, the VA Account Manager will place the student on deferred billing so no interest is automatically accrued.

Veterans must be certified for eligibility by their local VA offices and must contact the appropriate representative in the Office of the Registrar. Veterans of the post-Vietnam period must have made contributions into the educational program (Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bill®) in order to receive benefits. An educational program is also available to certain members of the Reserves and National Guard. Widows and children of eligible veterans should contact the Office of Veterans Affairs to apply for assistance through educational benefits.

Disabled veterans entering under Public Law 16 should apply to their state Veterans Administration headquarters for counseling and approval, and then contact the Office of the Registrar.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Students who have a documented disability may receive free vocational counseling and financial assistance toward the cost of their college education, provided their vocational objective is approved by a rehabilitation counselor. They should apply directly to the vocational rehabilitation counseling service of their state Department of Education.

Scholarship, Loan and Endowment Funds

Scholarships are provided by many generous donors. You may find a list of those scholarships, endowment, and loan funds at

Not all scholarships listed have funds available; this list is compiled to honor the donors who have supported the University. Students applying for admission are automatically considered for most scholarships for which funds are still available. Information about new scholarships, scholarships requiring a separate application, and other sources of scholarship funds is available on the Office of Financial Aid Services’ website, located at, or by contacting the office at 501-279-4257.

For Graduate and Professional Programs

See the Federal Financial Aid Cost of Attendance page for a comprehensive listing of expenses that may be associated with enrollment.

Tuition and Special Fees

Fees Applicable to All Graduate/Professional Programs
Apostille $100
Auditing, if permitted by program 1/2 of the hourly rate
Certificate $30
Diploma reprint $50
Graduation - additional diploma $30
Graduation late application $60
Parking sticker (nonrefundable; required for all students on the Searcy campus) $40
Technology/academic enrichment $28/hour; maximum $336/semester


College of Allied Health
Tuition for Degrees
Master of Science in Cardiac Function and Interventional Technology $17,275/semester
Master of Science in Cardiac Function and Interventional Technology for Professionals $990/hour
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy $11,500/semester; $933 for off cycle students
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies $17,525/semester; $1,145/hour for repeated courses
Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning $12,585/semester; $899/hour if < 10 hours
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology $12,475/semester; $1,040/hour if < 9 hours
Doctor of Physical Therapy $13,530/semester; $984/hour if < 12 hours
HIZ-Path Application Fee $1,000
Graduation fee - Master’s $185
Graduation fee - Physical Therapy $335


College of Arts & Sciences
Tuition for Degrees
Master of Arts in History $540/hour
Master of Science in Applied Dietetics Practice $11,775/semester
$1,177/hour if < 10 hours
Master of Science in Kinesiology and Sport Administration $442/hour
Tuition for Certificates
Translation Certificate $625/hour
Graduation fee - Master’s $185


College of Business Administration
Tuition for Degrees
Master of Business Administration $695/hour
Master of Science in Information Systems $695/hour
Graduation fee - Master’s $185


College of Education
Tuition for Degrees
Master of Arts: Excellence in Teaching $442/hour
Master of Arts in Teaching $442/hour
Master of Education $442/hour
Master of Science in Education $442/hour
Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership (Superintendent) $442/hour
Doctor of Education in Leadership $640/hour
Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling $610/hour
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Counseling $610/hour
Master of Science in Professional School Counseling $610/hour
Master of Science in Student Affairs $610/hour
Educational Specialist in Counseling $610/hour
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (or any LEAD course) $665/hour
Graduation fee - Master’s $185
Graduation fee - Specialist $195
Graduation fee - EdD $970
Program fee - Master’s degrees in the Mental Health and Wellness department $10/hour (up to $100/semester)


College of Nursing
Tuition for Degrees
Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner $8,550/semester; $950/hour if < 9 hours
Master of Science in Nursing - Master’s Entry into Professional Nursing $865/hour
Tuition for Certificates
Post-graduate Family Nurse Practitioner $8,550/semester; $950/hour if < 9 hours
Graduation fee - Master’s $185


College of Pharmacy
Tuition for Degrees
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
  Summer Fall/Spring
Doctor of Pharmacy $8,861/semester, $1,181/hour if < 7 hours $19,908/semester, $1,181/hour if < 12 hours
Graduation fee $335


School of Theology
*Tuition for Degrees and Certificate *Scholarships are available for all students to reduce tuition to $100/hour.
Master of Arts $775/hour
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry $775/hour
Master of Divinity $775/hour
Doctor of Ministry $775/hour
Spiritual Leadership Certificate $775/hour
D.Min. Spiritual Renewal fee $250/year
Student Activity $20/semester
Graduation Fee - Master’s $185
Graduation Fee - D.Min. $335


Course Fees

Course fees are listed in the individual course description.

Financial Policies

Financial Responsibility: Harding’s financial well-being is dependent upon prompt payment of accounts. For this reason, Harding transcripts and diplomas will not be released if a student has failed to take care of any indebtedness to the University. Exception is made for government loans if they are not past due. Failure to meet financial obligations to the University may result in the delinquent account being placed with a collection agency. Students are responsible for all attorney fees and other collection costs incurred by the University in collecting accounts. Term charges are not reduced for late enrollment. There will be a $30 service charge on all dishonored paper checks and a $35 service charge on all dishonored electronic checks.

Payment of Accounts: Payments may be mailed in or made in person at the Business Office, located in the Administration Building. Payments may be in the form of cash, check, and money order in person or mail. MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted on-line via a third-party vendor (Transact/CASHNet). Credit card fees do apply.

Payment options:

  1. Pay the total balance by the due date on the first ebill statement of each term.
  2. Enroll in Harding University Payment Plan. Enrollment fee is $25 per term (fall and spring only). Deadline to enroll is September 1 for fall and February 1 for spring. Pay the balance due in four monthly payments. A late fee of $35 will be assessed if a due date is not met. No interest will accrue on the Harding Payment Plan.
  3. Accounts not paid in full or not enrolled in the payment plan will be subject to a per annum interest charge compounded monthly. Interest charges are not reduced for delays in receiving financial aid.
  4. Any additional charges incurred during a term will be posted to the student’s account and should be paid by the due date on the statement. Examples include adding classes, traffic fines, library fines, adding declining balances, etc. Any credits posted to an account will appear on the monthly ebill statement. 

Students wishing to apply for financial aid must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Deadlines must be observed, and supporting documents may be required. Applications must be completed each year the student requests financial aid. Students must be sure to observe filing dates for the following school year. Students are notified periodically of documentation (if any) that is missing from their financial aid file.

If prior term charges have not been paid in full, enrollment for a future term will be delayed until payment is received or satisfactory payment arrangements have been approved.

Tuition Refunds: Students are granted admission with the understanding that they are to remain for a full term. A student who enrolls in a class but does not attend or stops attending and does not officially withdraw may not receive a refund. An official withdrawal from the University begins with the respective graduate or professional office. Please note that the Business Office manages the refund policy, not the individual programs. A prorated refund will be made according to an established refund schedule that takes into account the particular characteristics of each course (traditional, on-line, nontraditional term, etc.). The refund table with specific dates can be viewed in Pipeline.

If a student’s withdrawal is the result of misconduct, the institution is under no obligation to make any refunds.

Credit Balance Refunds: Students may request a refund through Pipeline. No refunds are issued during the first week following registration.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to most Harding graduate and professional degree students in the form of federal and private loans, graduate assistantships, veterans programs, and vocational rehabilitation programs.

These funds are administered wholly or in part by the Office of Financial Aid Services. Requests for information and assistance should be directed to Harding University, Box 12282, Searcy, AR 72149-5615; telephone 501-279-4081; or email

Requirements: Application for aid should be made as follows:

  1. Apply to be admitted to a Harding University graduate or professional degree program. ( 
  2. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at

To qualify for federal loans, graduate and professional students must be enrolled in accordance with at least half-time status requirements. Half-time status requirements are as follows:

Program/Degree Plan Required Hours for Half-time Status
Ed.D. and D.Min. (final dissertation phase only) 1 hour per term (fall/spring/summer)
Teacher certification/licensure 6 hours per term
All other graduate/professional degrees 4 hours per term

Financial aid awards are based on current federal and institutional rules. Students have the right to accept or decline any aid offered.

Return of Title IV Funds (Federal Aid): Students who receive Title IV federal loans or other federal aid and withdraw, drop out, or are dismissed are subject to a calculation to determine the amount of federal aid that was “earned” and “unearned” for the semester. The earned aid is calculated by comparing the number of days completed against the total days in the semester (including weekends). For example, if a student completed 29 days of a regular 116-day semester, the student will be determined to have earned 25% of total aid eligibility. Once the student has completed at least 60% of the semester, all aid is considered earned.

If total federal aid disbursements are less than the amount earned by the student, the student will be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. Borrowers eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement will be notified of their eligibility within 45 days after beginning the withdrawal process and must respond to the aid offer within 14 days.

If total federal aid disbursements are greater than the amount earned by the student, the student will owe a balance to the University and/or the federal government. Unearned funds must be returned within 30 days in the following order:

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
Graduate PLUS Loan

Please refer to the Registration: Policies and Procedures  section of this catalog for detailed withdrawal procedures. Students who stop attending classes without withdrawing, as well as students who receive all failing grades, will be considered unofficially withdrawn. The withdrawal date for all unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the appropriate academic dean according to the last academic activity completed.

Financial Aid Warning and Suspension: Students who receive Title IV financial aid must make satisfactory progress toward a degree by maintaining a minimum grade point average as stipulated by the academic program. In addition, students must successfully complete at least two-thirds of the overall credit hours attempted cumulatively. All students must complete all coursework within 250% of the published length of the program (even if the student changes programs, enrolls in leveling coursework, or did not receive federal aid for the entire period of enrollment). Students may repeat enrollment in any courses (either to pass a previously failed course or to simply earn a higher grade, as stipulated by the academic program) so long as all coursework is completed within the 250% maximum time-frame permitted. All hours of enrollment after the free drop/add period are considered attempted hours. Earned hours include all courses from which the student has not withdrawn.

Enrollment progress and grade point average monitoring occurs at the end of each fall, spring and summer term.

Failure to maintain the required grade point average or successfully complete degree work as specified will result in financial aid warning status. Warning status is removed at the end of the semester the student has satisfied the grade point average and enrollment criteria. Failure to remove financial aid warning status at the end of said semester results in financial aid suspension.

Students on financial aid suspension are not eligible to receive Title IV financial aid. Financial aid suspension status caused by extenuating circumstances may be appealed in writing to the graduate financial aid office. Contact for additional information. Students approved by appeal will automatically be placed back in financial aid probation status for the first semester of renewed aid eligibility.

Ethics: Beyond academic requirements, in accepting financial aid the student incurs an ethical responsibility to observe the University code of conduct and fulfill his or her contractual financial obligations.


Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program: For students who intend to teach in a subject shortage area in a school that receives Title I funding. Please see for conditions and eligibility guidelines.

Individual graduate and professional degree programs may have scholarship opportunities available. Please check with the appropriate academic dean for details. To continue to receive awarded scholarships, students must meet the academic standards of that scholarship and abide by the University’s code of conduct.

Graduate Assistantships: Assistantships are available to full-time graduate and professional students. Contact the Graduate & Professional Support Office at or Box 12249, Harding University, Searcy, AR 72149 for further information, or visit the Graduate and Professional Studies website.

Total scholarship may not exceed total tuition. Students should contact Financial Aid Services for information regarding scholarship status if they are considering dropping credit hours.


The Office of Financial Aid Services is the primary source of information about loans. Contact the office at Harding University, Box 12282, Searcy, AR 72149-5615; telephone 501-279-4081; or email

Federal Direct Student Loan: The Federal Direct student loan program makes loans available to graduate students. Loans are electronically processed by the Financial Aid Services Office.

Repayment begins six months after the student ceases half-time enrollment. Graduate students are only awarded unsubsidized loans, which accrue interest while in school.

Graduate/Professional PLUS Loan: Graduate and professional degree students are eligible to borrow under the PLUS loan program up to the cost of attendance less other financial assistance. Applicants must be credit-worthy or apply with a credit-worthy endorser. Applicants are required to have applied for their annual loan maximum eligibility under the Federal Unsubsidized Direct loan program before applying for a Graduate/Professional PLUS Loan. Contact the Office of Financial Aid Services for additional information. Applications can be completed at

Veterans Programs

Veterans, spouses, and dependents must apply for education benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and once approved, forward a copy of their Certificate of Eligibility to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO). The SCO is located within the Office of the Registrar.

The following VA education benefits are approved for use at Harding University: Post 9/11 GI Bill® (including the Fry scholarship and Edith Nourse Rogers STEM scholarship), Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty (including Tuition Assistance Top Up), Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves, and the Dependents Education Assistance program.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Students utilizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill® are required by the VA to verify their enrollment monthly with the VA before their monthly housing stipend will be released by the VA. While the VA recommends using their text messaging system, other options include verifying through email or by calling the VA Education Call Center (888-442-4551). If the student misses verifying their monthly enrollment for two months, they will then be required to call the VA Education Call Center before their monthly stipends will be released.

In compliance with the Veterans Administration’s minimum standards of progress, if a student receives VA assistance, is placed on academic probation, and does not remove this probation within one semester, he or she will be suspended from receiving VA education benefits for the following semester.

Students working on any graduate level degree or graduate level coursework do not qualify for Yellow Ribbon funds at Harding University.

In accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (Section 103), students utilizing either Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill® or Chapter 31:
Any covered individual will be able to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. Ninety days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

Harding University will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Documentation required by Harding University before certification:

  1. Certificate of Eligibility or Statement of Benefits (Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill ®)
  2. VA Form 28-1905 or emailed approval from the student’s Case Manager (Chapter 31)
  3. VA Certification Form (both Chapter 33 and 31 students and found in the student portal)
    a. This form is to be submitted every semester until the student exhausts their benefits or they graduate.

Once both forms of documentation are received by the VA School Certifying Official, the VA Account Manager will place the student on deferred billing so no interest is automatically accrued.

Vocational Rehabilitation

If students are permanently disabled, they may receive free vocational counseling and financial assistance toward the cost of their college education, provided their vocational objective is approved by a rehabilitation counselor. Students should apply directly to the vocational rehabilitation counseling service of their state Department of Education.