Mar 13, 2025
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Foreign Language Major
The Program Learning Outcomes for this major are:
- Students graduating from all programs will be able to:
- demonstrate Christ-like communication or service in a local or global community
- speak in the interpersonal mode of communication at a minimum level of “Advanced Low” in the target language.
- interpret complex authentic texts (oral, printed, and video) in the target language at a minimum level of “Advanced Low” by demonstrating both literal comprehension and analysis of embedded meanings and perspectives.
- present oral and written information in the target language to audiences of listeners or readers for multiple purposes using language at a minimum level of “Advanced Low”.
- demonstrate understanding of the target cultures and compare cultural perspectives, products, and practices.
- integrate target-language texts on literary and cultural themes as well as interdisciplinary topics into presentational writing or speaking, constructing coherent arguments and demonstrating academic integrity in citing multiple sources.
- Students graduating with the International Studies degree will be able to develop and defend an interdisciplinary thesis using information accessible to them only through the target language.
- Students seeking teacher licensure will be able to:
- demonstrate understanding of linguistics and the changing nature of language, and compare language systems.
- use their understanding of key principles of language acquisition and of child/adolescent development to create linguistically and culturally rich learning environments that support each student.
- integrate the goal areas of the World-Readiness Standards for Language Learning and state standards instructional planning, classroom practice, and use of technology, authentic resources, and instructional materials.
- design and implement authentic performance assessments for all learners, including diverse students, and adjust instruction based on analysis of the results of those assessments, reporting results of student performances to all stakeholders in the community, with particular emphasis on building student responsibility for their own learning.
- engage in professional communities and/or ongoing development opportunities that strengthen their own linguistic, cultural and pedagogical competence and promote reflection on practice.
- articulate the role and value of languages and cultures in preparing all students to interact successfully in the global community of the 21st century and collaborate with others to advocate for foreign language study and use.
- accept the responsibilities inherent in being a professional language educator and demonstrate a commitment to equitable and ethical interactions with all students and professionals.